Quest at the Museum

Ever walked the halls of the Natural History Museum and thought “this place needs more riddles, dragons, and sword fights?” If so, you’re in the right place.

We created this game for my daughter’s 11th birthday. It was a lot of work-and fun! So we’ve chosen to make it available for anyone who wants to play.

It takes you around the museum, using the exhibits as encounter arenas. The dinosaurs are dragons. The stairs are the Cliffs of Insanity! You get it.

All you need to do is print the PDFs and follow the instructions. They contain all the riddles, maps, monster encounters, characters, weapons, spells, and magic items you need to spend a highly memorable day at the museum.

Looking at these images will ruin the surprise of the playing the game.

Download these PDFs, then follow the printing instructions at the end of the Dungeon Master Guide.

Want to contribute?

Content, not cash. I’d love nothing more than to have people add to the game! Reach out and let’s chat.

Credits, Copyright & Thanks

This content is provided for free and is not meant for commercial exploitation. You do not have permission to charge for anything related to this game.

The rule set is modified from D&D.

The team behind The Griffon’s Saddlebag very-VERY!-graciously let their weapons and other drawings be used. Say thank you at their Patreon page.

My eldest and I wrote the text. The rest of the images were generated with AI. (As I can’t draw.)

If I’m on the wrong side of any copyright, it’s by mistake. Please reach out to let me know!